Thursday, February 23, 2017

More Pics from here n there

A school Jake visited where one of our youth boys teaches

sorry about the blurriness..just a relaxing Sunday evening on the lane, watching spike ball

                                           our chauffeur to the Valentine's supper
The youth did an awesome job. Fun props. Great food. followed by an outdoor theater to watch "The War Room"

Birthday party. Mahlon is now 6! and Jediah is 1 !

the girls' class saying goodby to Jeneva who moved with her family to Ng'iya for the next 5 months or so

Bible study was at old Asmonds this week

As far as I can remember this is the very first time Jediah has ever worn shoes or sandals. 1 year and 3 days old. He was up early and it was cool enough to wear something extra since Hannah was taking him outside.

three musketeers headed to Prayer meeting

Jake tries his hand at breaking rock. So many people spend HOURS day after day, sitting in the hot sun breaking up rock to sell.
Visiting a pottery making place

The broken heap (there's an allegory in there somewhere)

widows from our church receiving their CAM parcels

There they go, wrapped in lassos. Those boxes were heavy!
Another widow that we took a parcel to. They had ground nuts (like peanuts) drying out front and sent a bag of them with us. Yum!

I was so pleased with Joshua. One day the neighbor boys came over shortly after we got the new tricycle. The tricycle was brought inside and the front door locked so it would stay here. Well, Joshua quietly pushed it out the back door and took it around front to give the boys rides. I love how he loves to make other people happy.

My crazy darling monkeys enjoying some mud

Jake and I were out on a piki ride one evening and came by this vehicle. We watched while they yelled and flipped it back over by hand, first onto its side and then back onto its wheels.

Emanuel translating for Pasta

Boys totally delighted with new toys from a box from the school back home. I wonder how many miles those little vehicles have traveled by now. Pretty many!

Our chorus..whoever happens to show up. Thankfully there are a couple who are pretty faithful.

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