Our first stop, 5 hours into the trip was for supper with the couple my husband is working for. This is his hobby collection of antique show cars. The house was lavish and gorgeous. I was soo glad we ate outside..especially when my baby decided to puke..and puke ! We spent the night just on the south edge of Chicago.
This was a beautiful spot on Lake Erie where we stretched our legs and enjoyed the sun, wind, and waves for a short bit before continuing on to PA and these dear friends. I totally enjoyed our picnic, long walks and talks, and hanging out with Travis and Donna !
From there we had a pretty drive east about 3-4 hours before arriving at the campground where we met my family. Campfire meals, laughter, lots of little people to watch, sunset hayride, mile hike to the bottom of the canyon (and back up, huff-puff ),local visitors, and just special quality time with family for the last time before Marlins headed to Kenya.
Us eight siblings all together..a bit of a rarity !
We left the campground, Monday forenoon and found a laundry-mat. I got some kind of sting on more arm which ended up getting swollen and red (about 10 inches long) and achy. A few days later I got it checked out but was so upset with the Dr. bill I never got the prescribed meds. Loisann made a charcoil poltice for it and that took out the stiffness and some of the swelling. Two days at my parents, entailed some shopping, more laundry, and a swimming party that was wonderful ! ( friends, sisters, and a real true swimming pool...not a mirky lake ! ahhh, bliss !)
As lovely as a trip as we had, it's always great to be home again after 10 days. We arrived home happy n sleepy around 10 pm, Saturday night.